스렌더 - 더 에이트 페이지 - Slender - The Eight Pages

스렌더 - 더 에이트 페이지 - Slender - The Eight Pages

Parsec Productions
버젼 0.9.7
보안 인증 완료
보안 인증 완료
에디터 초이스: 스렌더 - 더 에이트 페이지 - Slender - The Eight Pages 0.9.7

Although we do not want to scare little children or give a fright to the faint of heart, Slender had changed the computer game industry and demonstrated how it’s possible to develop a popular terror game within an industry that’s mainly focused on adding guns and wheels or advanced graphics. Your screen will remain dark for most of the game, and your heart might also sense that the situation is bleak, and still, it will prove to be one of the most interesting games you’ll ever play.

공포와 생존의 컴퓨터 게임

Slender, or as it’s fully called, Slender: The Eight Pages, is a terror and survival game. We’re talking about an action and adventure game that was developed by terror movie enthusiasts. During the game, the player has to find 8 manuscripts regarding the Slender Man, an unnatural being that had become a literary myth. As the player establishes contact with the Slender Man so his sanity becomes less and less easy to hold on to.
The reasons for losing your sanity are numerous: should the player get too close the Slender Man might catch him; should the player look directly at him for too long he will lose the game. The player has a flashlight that can be of great help, yet it has a limited battery and so should be used sparsely. When the flashlight is turned off the player can look directly at the Slender Man for lengthier periods of time yet on the other hand, he’s more exposed and is at greater risk of getting caught. Sure, he can run away, and then risk getting tired and caught by the Slender Man.

Astro 리뷰:

  • 사용이 쉽습니다
  • 무서운 분위기를 만드는데 좋습니다
  • 제한적인 기능들
  • 게임을 진행하기에 어렵게 만드는 성가신 관점들
스렌더 - 더 에이트 페이지 - Slender - The Eight Pages
스렌더 - 더 에이트 페이지 - Slender - The Eight Pages
Parsec Productions
버젼 0.9.7
보안 인증 완료

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