PRM - Press Release Monster

PRM - Press Release Monster

버젼 1.00
무료 시험판
1.62 MB
보안 인증 완료
보안 인증 완료
이 애플리케이션을 이용하여 귀하 조직을 효율적으로 마케팅하십시오

With Press Release Monster, making your organization’s products, services or website known to the press is simple and easy. The tool is fully automated, easy to use and works on almost any PDA and Windows capable phone.
All you need to do is import, or manually add the press releases and that is about it. From there, the application handles everything else. The tool does all the work and sends your press releases to more than 4,000 magazines and newspapers.
Additionally, there is no limit to how many press releases can be added; you can add as many press releases as you require. The tool hands them out to thousands of printed press contacts in a round-robin fashion. Convenient isn’t it? You finally have complete control in making your products and services or website known.
The biggest advantage of this application is that it can be used from anywhere, anytime, as long as you have your phone by your side. In other words, if you are a frequently on the go, your mobile device is all you need to market your organization.
Carrying your laptop around is not always the convenient choice, but your mobile device however, is always within reach.
So, if you are looking for a way to make your organization’s press releases known, Press Release Monster is an application you should definitely consider using.

PRM - Press Release Monster
PRM - Press Release Monster
버젼 1.00
무료 시험판
1.62 MB
보안 인증 완료

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