

버젼 0.08546296296296296
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보안 인증 완료
Get the best in privacy options with IronSocket.

IronSocket offers you great overall privacy options in relation to your web browsing needs. All of this is possible specifically since the service provider is based in Hong Kong, which is generally ranked among societies that offer a majority of “free” internet laws. Furthermore, in the city, there are no strict laws on data retention requirements or censorship – at all.
IronSocket does not keep ‘usage logs’, i.e. your internet activities do not get monitored or tracked. Although it does, however, record some personal details like keeping the extensive session logs of users (which are purged after 72 hours).
Furthermore, the service providers claim to keep the users’ information on date and time and every used IP address of each VPN server. Likewise, the tool keeps a numerical value that demonstrates the overall bytes transferred in a session.
The developers believe in having a privacy policy that is transparent and open in all sense, which tends to clearly explain the type of data it collects, and for what purposes.
The tool implements a 2048 bit key certificate and SSL having 256-bit AES encryption. Additionally, for the best encryption capabilities for OpenVPN, subscribers will soon get a 4096 bit key option. You can also connect off from TCP port 443, used by SSL traffic.
Another plus point is that IP addresses for OpenVPN are basically static shared addresses. This makes any user’s detection difficult. Comparatively, HTTP proxies utilize dynamic IPs.
Lastly, L2TP utilizes 256-bit AES encryption whereas PPTP ‘utilizes 128 bit encryption over the essential ‘GRE’ Protocol #47’. But the service provider only recommends and cares about OpenVPN. For further information, visit

버젼 0.08546296296296296
무료 시험판
100.00 MB
보안 인증 완료
유사 프로그램들과 비교:
IronSocket 유사 소프트웨어 – 소프트웨어 비교 차트:
앱 이름
다운로드 횟수
파일 크기
VPN을 통해 비밀이 보장되는 안전한 인터넷 검색을 하고 온라인 개인정보를 보호하세요.
8.7K 다운로드 횟수
36.10 MB
웹 공간에서 위치 파악 방지, 외부 접근 차단, 개인정보보호를 보장받을 수 있는 VPN입니다.
3.5K 다운로드 횟수
75.00 MB
A low cost VPN service that delivers exceptional experience
750 다운로드 횟수
12.00 MB
Do not let anyone invade your personal space online. Use CactusVPN today.
1.1K 다운로드 횟수
25.40 MB
인터넷 트래픽 암호화 및 ISP 온라인 추적 방지 VPN
1.6K 다운로드 횟수
131.00 MB
Say NO to annoying internet surveillance and just use FrootVPN.
951 다운로드 횟수
28.00 MB
TorGuard는 고품질의 VPN이며 토렌트 이용을 즐겨하는 사람들을 위한 최상의 옵션입니다.
487 다운로드 횟수
53.30 MB
P2P 콘텐츠 다운로드 및 파일 공유 네트워크에 이상적인 고급 VPN입니다.
1.7K 다운로드 횟수
33.30 MB
An effective VPN that allows you to unblock your favourite content and protect your privacy.
1.3K 다운로드 횟수
45.90 MB

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