엘리트 키로거 - Elite Keylogger

엘리트 키로거 - Elite Keylogger

버젼 6.0
무료 시험판
2.13 MB
보안 인증 완료
보안 인증 완료
에디터 초이스: 엘리트 키로거 - Elite Keylogger 6.0

We’ve had some second thoughts about recommending this software program, and not for lacking performance or something like that. Our main difficulty with Elite Keylogger, or with any other keylogger software program for that matter, is that this kind of software programs can be put to ill use such as illegal users tracking, password hacking, obtaining personal information and other activities which may lead to criminal records in most countries.
Be that as it may, we’ve finally decided to recommend it as we hold the belief that technology is neutral and whoever puts it to malicious use is the perpetrator (and not the software program itself). In addition, it also has legitimate uses. Due to these considerations we add to our review a stern and explicit warning: Do not do anything illegal (or, needless to mention, immoral) with this software program.
If you suspect that someone’s hacking into your PC while you’re away, using your PC to look for something, to copy data or to harm you in any other way, there’s another solution which entails setting an actual hidden camera in your room or work space. This keylogger software program will enable you to record everything made by your PC so you’ll be able to see if someone is using your PC without your permission, printing documents using your printer, etc.

컴퓨터 사용자 활동 내역을 기록합니다

Elite Keylogger is a keyboard monitoring and tracking software program, which means that it allows you to record and keep track of anything users type in.
Keystroke Recorder: Elite Leylogger will record every keystroke without interrupting users or without their even noticing it. By doing so, you’ll be able to know what had been typed in (passwords, login information, addresses, names), into which applications and by whom.
Password Tracker: Elite Keylogger uses tracking and recording technologies in order to allow you to keep track of login information, registration data and passwords.
Clipboard Monitor: Most users copy and paste registration data and passwords instead of manually typing them. Elite Keylogger will record text that had been copied onto the clipboard including graphics and photos.
What Elite Keylogger actually does:
Secretly capture screenshots – it regularly captures screenshots, desktop shots and active applications shots and functions as a surveillance camera hidden from all users
Record launched applications – it records all launched applications and all text typed onto them. You’ll be able to know the precise time, date and additional parameters of every software program launched on your PC
Track printed documents – it records all documents printed off the PC which is being tracked
Website tracking – record browsing history of all users
Time and technology tracking – it records all websites users browse and their addresses while adding a timestamp to every listing. No matter which browser had been used Elite Keylogger can track the sites browsed by users

Astro 리뷰:

  • 좋고 다양한 모니터링 도구
  • 사용이 간편한 인터페이스
  • 차단 컨트롤이 부족함
엘리트 키로거 - Elite Keylogger
엘리트 키로거 - Elite Keylogger
버젼 6.0
무료 시험판
2.13 MB
보안 인증 완료
유사 프로그램들과 비교:
엘리트 키로거 - Elite Keylogger 유사 소프트웨어 – 소프트웨어 비교 차트:
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