8x8 Virtual Office

8x8 Virtual Office

8x8, Inc
버젼 0.1708449074074074
3.80 MB
보안 인증 완료
보안 인증 완료
Transform your tablet or smartphone into a VoIP telephone.

If you wish to make better use of your Android tablet or smartphone, you are in luck. By installing the VoIPo app, you can use it to monitor and control all business phone services from the comfort of your very home. With the help of the app your 8×8 phone extension can for once truly be mobile. You no longer have to worry about paying ridiculous phone call and installation charges for landline when all you will ever need is VoIPo.
The app makes it incredibly simple for you to keep track of all incoming and outgoing calls. You can select the right plan for your needs without going over budget. But most importantly, you will have your own distinct caller ID, which is rarely the case with other similar apps. Not only can you use it to make 3-ways calls, but it comes equipped with handy features like call forwarding and call park. It provides an elaborately detailed list of voice mail, thus allowing you to review them in any order you prefer.
On the other hand, it is equally effective at exchanging instant messages with employees or co-workers. But that is not all, as it also gives users the ability to take advantage of video calls at the same time. If that was not enough, you also have the ability to record live calls and then send them to any email address of your choosing. The possibilities are limitless as the app also comes with its own customer support which is available 24/7.

8x8 Virtual Office
8x8 Virtual Office
8x8, Inc
버젼 0.1708449074074074
3.80 MB
보안 인증 완료
유사 프로그램들과 비교:
8x8 Virtual Office 유사 소프트웨어 – 소프트웨어 비교 차트:
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파일 크기
Effectively manage business phone systems with RingCentral.
709 다운로드 횟수
36.00 MB

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