Pushbullet for Firefox

Pushbullet for Firefox

Pushbullet Inc
버젼 37
0.20 MB
보안 인증 완료
보안 인증 완료
귀하 컴퓨터에 핸드폰 전화 및 메세지 내역을 표시합니다

Pushbullet helps you to integrate your phone and your computer seamlessly. When you get a call on your phone, you will see a notification that includes the name of the person who’s calling you. This means that you can keep your phone on silent – or even in another room – and still find out when someone is calling you. You can also send and receive text messages directly from your computer, another function that makes this perfect for communicating when pulling out a phone would either be rude or otherwise inappropriate, such as when you are in a meeting.

This add-on also makes it easier for you to send files, links, and other information to your phone from your computer. For example, you can right-click a link on your computer and send a notification to your phone. Then, when you use your phone, you only have to click the notification to visit the link rather than having to go to your e-mail. You can also send addresses, which will open up with the Google Maps app on your phone, perfect for getting directions if you are running late for an appointment. This add-on works well both for people on the go and for those who want to have most of the functionality of their phones, including text message functionality and call notifications, on their computers.

Pushbullet for Firefox
Pushbullet for Firefox
Pushbullet Inc
버젼 37
0.20 MB
보안 인증 완료

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